Monday, November 12, 2007


Mash ups are neat! I didn't really know much about them before this exercise. It seems like an excellent way to actually do stuff with all of the information that is floating around out there. I looked at Yahoo's trip planner. Whenever planning a trip, it seems to take me a very long time to make decisions and I'm not always sure if they are the right ones. Yahoo's trip planner offers an excellent way to make this process easier. Trip planner allows people to record journals of their trip, photos from the trip, trip itineraries, links to hotels, and maps. So, you can do a search for a place that you are thinking about going and see what other people have done. This is almost impossible to do in a regular search engine. Mostly, you get advertisements for hotels and trip specials, but nothing like the information available in Yahoo's trip planner. I will definitely use this in the future :)

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